The Cat And The Witch

There once was this really noisy cat living in a perfect, quiet kingdom. The cat would hiss and make all sorts of noises every hour of every day. One day, after hours of hissing and meowing and purring, a witch told the cat that one more sound and he’ll be cursed and never allowed to speak again. The cat laughed and took it as a bluff. He looked at the witch and cleared his throat. He hissed loudly and ran off. But before he got away, the witch cursed the cat.

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Guest Blogger: Life Can Be Irritating.

The views expressed in the below post are not the words of the owner and main contributor to this site. Read with caution or read with an opened mind. If you would like to ever contribute to this site, send me an email. I’d love to hear your thoughts about anything. Aside from that, here is a list of things that irritate the guest poster.

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Siri’s Aunt Comes To Visit.

I am not a big user of Siri on the phone. It’s nice to check out a sports score (unless you’re a so-called sport like soccer or NASCAR, then you won’t be able to look that up). She can be very funny at times and also be a bit cruel. I’ve learned once before. Siri can be a bi**h. But recently, today, I needed to call my boss about something and she went off the handle. I don’ t know why. Not even sure if there was anything I did. I think Aunt Flo is in town and she just didn’t want to be bothered with silly questions. Thank you, Siri. Let me know when your aunt comes to visit before you go bat poop crazy on me.

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A Gallon Of Milk

Have you ever walked into a room then forgot what you went in there for in the first place? I am sure you have. We all have. There was an article I read about how researchers at Notre Dame actually studied this and posted what causes this amnesia like problem. Nice to know that they are working on important things and not bothering with solving things like cancer, AIDS, and the Bieber Fever.

If you took the time to read the link, you would have seen that our forgetfulness is because we walk through doors. Nice to know that doors are the reason why I sometimes look like an idiot when I stand in a room with no idea why I went in there the first place. I was at work and while working on a project I had to stop and grab some milk from the other end of the store. It wouldn’t be such a big deal but we have rest stops along the way to help you  with your shopping experience. If you’re not picking up what I am laying down, let me explain it to you in stupid people terms.

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