It’s Messy In Here

There is a little bit of a mess going around on my site right now. I knew this was going to happen. I just ignored it and hoped that maybe it would just fix itself. I was with Josthost. Yeah, they suck. After having some lots of issues I switched hosting companies a while ago. I never did fully switch things over correctly. Some links will not work (they are linking over to the old domain of The same issue is affecting the graphics, audio, and other media items.

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The Mormon Occult

Note from Author: I want to make something clear about this story I am about to tell. It touches heavily on the Mormon religion and God. These stories about the Dead Zombie Wife all the way to the Mormon Cult is fiction. I stretch the truth and elaborate on much of what is mentioned. Don’t take this stuff to heart. There are no evil Mormons trying to steal my soul. There is no zombie in my wall and the man below me isn’t a ghost with creepy ghosts children. It’s all for fun. Let me explain it all quickly. I heard a scratch on the wall one night and that scratch created Claudia or as I call her, The Dead Zombie Wife. I can tell you that some of the things below and the previous stories did actually happen. I just added a little flair to it to make it a little more interesting. Again. The Elders that visit me are not sent by Satan to claim my soul. The part about me praying, that is true. I swear.

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Abe Lincoln: Dream Invader

It’s time for another dream blog. I wish the following dream was longer but it was not. Maybe it was. Maybe there was a whole other part to the dream I dont recall. No matter. It is still my dream and like all my dreams, they are eff’ed up. While eff’ed up, they do make for some great reading. Read on and don’t worry. It’s not very long.

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If you were to ask me what I would be doing with my life a year ago, I wouldn’t have said running. I looked at running not as a sport or as an activity to get in shape but saw it as a horrendous and grueling waste of time. Why do people run? Why put yourself through that Hell to only break a sweat and feel the pain in your feet, knees, and thighs? I disliked runners. I cursed when I saw them running. Get off the road, psychos! 

Do I want to put myself through all that nonsense? No thanks! I’ll pass. I will never run. You will never see me running just to run. If I was to ever run, it’d be from the zombies. That was then. This is now. Things are a little different. Things change. People change. I picked up running and since that day in January, I haven’t looked back. I am still wearing those same Nike shoes I put on back in January. I am still running. I am still smoke free (four months now). I never did get to the gym like I wanted but that is okay. I still run. I still get to get out there and get some sort of workout. I still like running and am pretty happy that I started it up.

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