About pitweston

I like food. I like the smell of cinnamon.

Robin Williams: Rest In Peace

It’s been two years since the world lost this comedic genius. He was loved by millions and there is a funny thing about it. All these people who mourned the loss of this great man, never knew him on a personal level. I am one of those people. Yet, he connected with so many, we all felt we lost someone close to us. We saw him as an uncle, a father, a brother, or maybe that neighbor that everyone just loved. I was crushed when I heard about his passing. You’re shocked and in disbelief. You just can’t accept it. You won’t believe it. The night he died was a night I will always remember. It holds a place in my heart to a man that could make your bad day into something better. It was one of those crazy random happenstances that made that night into more than just a random night of drinking and having fun.

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I Have The Best Idea For A Movie.

I am a writer. I am not a professional writer nor am I a great writer. I like to think that I am decent and have a good imagination with coming up with some insane stories. I don’t know where I posted it but I did speak about my past writing and my current stories. I’d look but I am far too lazy to hunt down a link on this site. Instead, I will just mention it again.

When I was a wee little lad, I had a fascination with the macabre. I loved horror movies and anything that was about zombies, werewolves, vampires, ghouls and goblins. I still enjoy this stuff today but unlike my previous stories, I drifted away from those and went to a more practical monster.

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I Am A Picky Eater.

Food. Glorious food!  Hot sausage and mustard!

You like food. I like food. We all like food! I really like food. It is the best thing in the world. Before this became what it is now, it was going to be about food and only food. I will get that to that in a future post. For now, I want to talk about food that I just don’t eat. I have talked about some of the things I don’t eat but I don’t think I have ever really dove into all the crap I dislike.

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Eventually, We Will Run Out Of Band-Aids.

Another shooting. It is the norm now. I think America is broke. We are a broken country with little to no regard to anyone. We are constantly killing each other because…well, I don’t know. We just do. We just keep killing each other and pray. We pray that it will end and condemn violence. But let a day or two pass and we are back at it again, killing each other then praying for it to end. Rinse and repeat.

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I almost became a Super Villain.

All kids dream of becoming a superhero. We want to be Superman or Batman. Some folks want to be Ironman or Captain America. No little kid ever exclaims they want to be a super villain. While being the villain is awesome, it’s nothing like being the hero in the movie that gets you going. You save the city and you get the girl. How awesome is that!? I on the other hand, want to be a villain. I want to be the one causing havoc and destroying the city. I want to have the superhero fighting me. I want to be the one that people cower in fear when they see me approach. It could have happened. I could have became a super villain… and I woulda got away with it, too, if it weren’t for you meddling kids!

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