About pitweston

I like food. I like the smell of cinnamon.

Five Dollars is Five Dollars.

When you’re a kid, money is important. A shiny quarter is like a million bucks to you. I am going to tell you a story about money. It takes place decades ago. I don’t know the exact year but I am going to think it took place in probably 1990. It is a story about money, family, and failing to hold up to a promise. I should probably pay up and accept the fact but I am stubborn and will not fold.

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I Have Terrible Luck With Skiing.

I am not a skier. I have never been. I don’t have an interest in it and never will. I had two separate times when I went skiing and both times they ended in terrible tragedies. Okay, so it wasn’t tragic. If you read on, you will realize that I have a terrible relationship when it comes to putting on skies and going down a hill. I am not a sporting person. I prefer to run but I have been lacking in that department. I would play football with friends that was probably the greatest time I ever had playing football. I am not going to say skiing is a sport. It is a leisure activity but if you were to ask someone who takes skiing as a career, they will argue with me and say, yes, skiing is a sport. Skiing is a sport just like Nascar is a sport. I am rambling on because I want to lengthen this introduction to more than just a few sentences. Keep reading and you will understand why I don’t ski and why I have terrible luck with it.

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Coming Out….

This is something I have struggled with. I need to come to terms with who I really am. I cannot keep living a lie and pretend to be someone I am not. I need to be happy with myself and to keep living a lie, I will never accomplish that. I cannot pretend to be someone I am not. Be true with yourself and you’ll find that things will improve, you will be happy and never feel like you’re carrying a burden anymore. I just fear that telling you this, you will stop talking to me and chastise me for lying and hiding this from you all the years you’ve known me…

We all have secrets. I have kept this one all my adult life. I’ve known this for many years. I found out when I was in high school. I just never told anyone because I knew they would hate me and my family, my mother mainly, would disapprove, and disown me. I don’t know if telling you this will make you think of me otherwise. Will you hate me? Will you stop talking to me? I don’t know. I don’t think it changes me the slightest. I am still the same person, just with different views and a different lifestyle. I don’t want to be exiled or treated differently because of it. I want you to still like me for me and not judge me for the person I am. It isn’t something I chose, it’s something I was born with. Is it nature versus nurture? I don’t know but what I do know is, this is who I am. While my decision to come out with this will be a shock to some and to others, it was expected, but either way, I am still the same person you always knew. I am sorry if I led you on and sorry to those I hurt along the way. I cannot keep this in any longer. I need to come clean and tell you the person I really am. It is time I came out…

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Here’s Another Movie Idea…

I am a writer. I am not a great writer and I don’t think I am a bad writer either. I just write. I come up with ideas and sometimes I will remember them and other times I will forget them. I always tell myself to get a dream journal beside my bed to write down ideas I have if I wake up during the night. That happens often. The following idea wasn’t had during the night but while at work. To be honest with you, I created this story up on the spot and it actually seems good enough to be a crappy movie you’d watch on television between the hours of 1am and 5am.

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How To Explain Technology To The Older Generation.

The world of technology is growing as a rapid pace. It’s hard for the knowledgeable to even grasp everything that changes. We all know that when you buy a computer, it will be out of date the moment you take it out of the box. That’s how fast things improve. I like to think that I am very tech savvy. I am not a pro in the field but I do know my way around gadgets and gizmos a plenty. But there are people who cannot understand it. When I say, “people”, I am talking about my mother. Bless her heart. She has an iPhone and for some reason, has an iPad, which I doubt she uses for nothing more than candy crush and words with friends. Are those two games still relevant now? She recently bought a new a computer. I had to go over and help her move some files. That was quite the task.

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