Duck Dynasty & All Reality Television Is Dragging America Into The Gutter

I am not a fan of reality television. I don’t like it. I don’t care  for Survivor or The Bachelor. I have no desire to watch those and the other countless shows that tend to milk America and show the world that our country is a being emptied into a steady cesspool of reality television. Once Survivor hit the air, it seems that every network wanted a piece of the action. What better way to draw in viewers and ratings than to subject the public to the pitfalls of our friends, family, and neighbors? I hope I am not the only one who hates reality television. I’m sure I am not the only one who changes channels or, if an ad comes on the TV about a new reality show, doesn’t throw up a little bit in their mouth? It’s garbage. Plain and simple. Nothing entertaining about it. Judge me if you want but I am a firm believer that watching normal people on TV isn’t qualified as entertainment. I work in retail. That’s entertainment enough. I get enough pleasure just watching people around me. Why would I need an “unscripted” show to appease me and fill my head with an hour of garbage? Continue reading

My run in with a serial killer: He wanted to put the lotion on my skin.

If you know anything about Missouri and the way Mother Nature treats us, you are fully aware of how awful it is. Never do we have a normal week of the same and consistent, boring weather. Each week or to make it seem more legit, each day we are subjected to the ever-changing weather patterns of the awful and almost hellish, style weather. It’s a roller coaster of seasons.  Trust me. In Missouri, you can (and you will) bear witness to all four seasons in a single week. It doesn’t matter which seasons you’re in. It can snow in the summer and it can be sweltering hot in the middle of December. It’s just how Missouri is. We are used to it but as much as we are used to the undecided weather that is dumped on us, we still bitch and moan about the weather, no matter if it’s cold or hot.

The other day, we were ravaged with a mixture of rain, ice, and snow. Combine all that into a 24 hour period and you have what most Missourians considered, Snowmageddon. I have a new car now. My old car would have died if I tried driving anymore than a foot away from the apartment. Now that I have 2.0, I have no issues driving in the arctic style weather. If you are wondering if this post is about the weather and not about the run in I had with a possible serial killer, then you’re wrong. This is not about the weather. I have discussed previously about the weather here and here. I hate snow and I hate ice. I just feel if I am going to talk about my chance meeting with a possible serial killer, I should build up a back story and not just throw you head first into what could have been my final demise.

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The Eye Doctor

I am a peculiar person. Like everyone else, I have my fears and while some may be odd and strange, I will not budge when it comes to facing these said fears. I don’t like spiders but it isn’t a phobia. I just hate those things. I am scared of ladders. Not just scared. I am deathly afraid of those things. It may be irrational but it is still a fear and there is no law saying that a fear has to make sense. I don’t like needles. I don’t like the sight of blood. I should be clearer on that note. I am okay with my blood. I can slice open my finger and as my blood pours out, I will stare at it and be in awe at its beauty. I am okay. I am not going to go and kill people cause I am okay with the sight of blood. I like my blood. It’s fine. It is your blood that makes me cringe. If you’re in danger of bleeding to death, I am sorry but I will not be there to save you from bleeding to death.

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I have an issue with texting.

I have an issue with texting. I am not saying I don’t text. I do text. I text a lot but nothing compared to the amount of texting a teenage girl will do. My issue with texting is on the same level with the people who don’t put their phone down when you’re trying to assist them. I mentioned that before. You can read about my anger over people being rude when they talk on their cellphones when you’re serving them. It’s more of a customer service thing but even under the circumstances of having a conversation with a friend, that too irks me. We’re hanging out. Put the damn phone down and let’s chill. I didn’t waste my time driving over to your place to sit here while you talk to someone else via text. My issue with texting is the poor use of grammar. I want to have a conversation with you but I cannot ignore the fact that when we’re texting, you’re using texting lingo and or, leaving out words just to save time on texting.

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