Written In A Day: The Proposal.

Janet had just left work. She pulled a double that night, working for another employee who called in sick. While she doesn’t mind working the extra hours, she was hoping to get home early. She planned a wonderful night out with her boyfriend and was looking forward to this night for many weeks. Instead, she sucked it up and agreed with her boss to put in the extra hours. They had a deadline to meet. In a matter of days, her company was about to take on a large account. If they land it, it would bring millions of dollars their way and now, with her fronting the team and pulling this double shift, she might just get that corner office she’s been eying since she arrived.

Janet sat at her desk, typing away and looking over piles of paper. Every so often, she would watch someone leave. They would exchanged good byes and well wishes. She smiled at them, waved but it wasn’t real. She was growing tired and irritable. These people never put in extra hours. They never reached out a hand to help. They worked their shifts and left, knowing that once they beat the rush hour traffic, they will be home with someone they love. But still, the corner office was all she could think about. She buried her face back into the paperwork, taking her time to make sure it was all correct.

Her phone chimed. It was a text message from Aaron. Just seeing him name grace the screen made her smile. He was the one. He was everything she looked for in a man. He is something special. He would call her just to say hello. They would talk on the phone for hours. Usually it was about nothing. But that was what made her love him. He took the time to think of her. She read the message,

“Hey Janet! Just thinking of you. I wish we could have met up tonight. I was looking forward to it.”

She frowned. She was missing him. She really wanted to see him. She really wanted to spent tonight with him. He had told her that tonight was going to be a perfect night. He had big plans. A fancy restaurant, and a night where she was going to be the center of attention. All week long, she thought about this night. She wondered why this night was so special. the romantic in her, thought only about him dropping to one knee to propose. It was logical. It had to be. She sighed. She stared at the phone, reading the message over and over, knowing that accepting her bosses plea to work overtime ruined her chances for the perfect night, the night were she was not going to a just a girlfriend anymore.

The phone buzzed again. Aaron sent another text.

“What if I stop by and see you?”

Again, she lit up with excitement. It wouldn’t hurt if he stopped by. Besides the janitor, she was the last one in the building. She wants to see him, she really does. The only problem she has is she is a stickler for the rules. She always puts work first. She doesn’t bend the rules. Even knowing that him coming by for a while wasn’t going to cost her the corner office or her job, she just couldn’t come to the decision of if he should or shouldn’t. She tried to focus back on work, but she would always go back to looking at her phone to decide on what to do. The phone buzzed a third time. It was Aaron again.

“I really want to see you tonight. I’ll bring take out! It’s not “Pierre’s” but it will work.”

She laughed. Food did sound good. Seeing Aaron sounded even better. Janet scooped up her phone and starting typing.

“Sure! Sounds good! I’ll see you in a bit!” She hovered her thumb over the ‘send’ option a second or two, before she stopped thinking with her brain and thought with her heart.


She held on to the phone. The files on her desk sat there. She eyed them a few times but she only thought about what he would say next. Sure enough, Aaron replied,

“Okay, sweetie. I’ll see you in bit. Hope you like chinese food. I love you.”

Janet smiles from ear to ear. She loved hearing him say that. Many of her old boyfriends have said it before but to her, she never felt like they really meant it. If they did, she would be with one of them and not Aaron. She is happy with Aaron. She is happy she accepted that blind date her friend set her up on. If she didn’t, then she wouldn’t be as happy as she is right now. Janet felt a extra burst of energy overcome her. She jumped back into her work, only this time, her focus was on Aaron and not on the large account she could land the company. Taking a minute away from her work, she would look at her phone just to read the last message again. “I love you.”

She reads it over and over, each time it assures her that Aaron is a great guy who is going to make tonight a memorable one, even if they have to sit in a dark office and eat chinese food. Janet rose to her feet. She stretched her arms in the air, and yawn widely. She walked around, getting any type of exercise she could. She looked at the clock. It was just after eight. It would be only another two hours before she would head home. The long day at work was hard on her. She really wished she was like everyone else who would just drop what they were doing and leave the work till they next day. Staring out the window, she looked at the empty parking lot. It was her car and the janitor’s truck. He was always the last one to leave. She wondered if he even knows she is still upstairs. If he doesn’t, he’ll surely discover she is when Aaron shows up with dinner for two. She watched cars drive by. Whenever a car slowed down, she would press her face closer to the glass and wish that is was Aaron. But the car never pulled in the parking lot. It would slow down but keep forward, driving off in the darkness of the night.

Janet looked at her phone. No messages. She wondered what was taking him so long. She was ready to send him another message but before she even pressed the very first letter, her phone buzzed. It was a message from Aaron.

“Sorry. Long line. Be there in ten.”

The reassurance of his text put her at ease. She retreated back to her desk. The clutter on the desk was no way to have dinner. If they were going to make this night magical, she wanted everything to look perfect. Grabbing the file box from the floor, with one swoop, she shoved all the papers in to it. “All clean.” She said to herself. It wasn’t right still. It was still missing something. Janet strolled around the office. She passes by a few other desks and grabs anything that catches her eye. Gretta had a vase sitting on her desk with a bouquet of flowers. Janet puts it on her desk and again, still feels it is missing something. She remembers Eric talking about the candles his kids made for him at summer camp. They weren’t the prettiest of candles but with so little to work on, she take the opportunity to put them to a far better use than the paper weight Eric was using them as.

Janet sat at her desk. It looked perfect. “Oh, I almost forgot!” Janet turned on her radio to the soft jazz station. It wasn’t her favorite music but Aaron likes it. If this was going to be perfect, everything has to be. She sat there, her arms folded on her desk. Her eyes focused on the elevator in front of her. Her phone buzzed. It was Aaron.

“I’m on my way up! Twentieth floor, right?”

She replied ‘yes’. Janet began to shake. She was so nervous. She didn’t know what to expect. She could see Aaron. She could see him walking out of the elevator with two boxes of chinese food and a silly grin on his face, almost like he was saying “this is the best I could do on such short notice.”

With the office empty and not a peep from her, she hears the whirl of the elevator. The numbers above the elevator doors lit up With each number getting closer to twenty, her stomach twisted and turned inside her. She wanted to surprise him. She raced to the door to stand in front of it. She was going to leap inside and give him a big hug and kiss him. The numbers grew closer. She watched it go from 12 to 13…and before she knew it, the car was at 19. She took a deep breath and shut her eyes. The car stopped. A bell chimed and the doors flung open.

With her eyes still closed, she leaped in. “Oh, Aaron! I love you! I’m so glad you came!” She held tightly on. But something wasn’t right. This hug was different. It didn’t feel like Aaron. She opened her eyes and backed away. Janet screamed and back slowly out of the car. Standing in the car was the janitor. He was covered in blood. He looked at Janet, an evil grimace smeared on his face. The janitor pulled out a cellphone from his pocket. He punched a few keys then smiled again at Janet. Behind her, she hears her phone buzz.

The janitor stepped out of the elevator car and walked over to Janet. She screamed but it was useless. No one was going to hear her. No one was going to save her. Backing up, Janet was blocked by her desk. She fell backwards, knocking the candles and the vase to the floor. Standing over her, was the janitor. He shoved her on to the desk, grabbing her neck with one arm. “You’re special, Janet. You’re so, very special.” He reached into his pocket and pulled out a small felt box. Using his chin, he opens the box to reveal a diamond ring. He presses her face to hers. He licks her face from chin to ear, stopping briefly to smell her hair. Janet’s head gave. Her lifeless body laid motionless on her desk. There the janitor removes the ring and puts it on Janet’s still warm finger.

He moves her hands across her body, feeling every inch and every part. He grabs her breasts, squeezing them tightly, feeling an area of him growing tighter as well. He stops himself before he went any further. As he leaves, her kisses her on the cheek. He presses the ground floor button on the elevator. The door closes in front of him. The soft jazz fades away and he descends back to the ground floor to clean up the bloody mess left behind by Aaron.




The Helicopter Story

The following story is true.


I was just leaving work. It was an average day. Nothing exciting about it. Nothing ever exciting happens at work. I left and made my way to clock out for the night. I walked by a large, bald man. He seemed agitated. He approaches me. Being the die-hard employee I am, I said hello to him. He extends his arm. At this moment, I cringe. I stood there for a moment, just staring at his arm. He wanted a handshake. There is a small part of me that will offer handshakes when needed but there is also a part of me that doesn’t want to catch whatever disease you’re carrying about. I have said if many times before. I am a germaphobe. I don’t like shaking hands. I think it is disgusting. I’d hit up a hooker before I shake someones hand. It could have been hours that I stood there, just eyeing his arm. His hand shook. He coughed and he glanced to his hand. Okay, okay. I will shake your hand. Don’t ask for anything else. I took a deep breath and counted backwards from three. My arm reached out and we grasped hands. He had a firm handshake. My handshake is weak. Sue me. I don’t have much practice in that field. I need to work on that. But really, how does someone who doesn’t shake hand work on that?

He shakes violently. My arm moves like jelly. The man smiles and looks at me while he continues this handshake that I wished would just end.

“Hi. You’re gonna die. You’re a giant dick with big ears.”

Wow. I’ve been called many things but that was probably the first time someone has ever called me that. I can’t disagree with him about the ear thing. I do have very, large ears (the better to hear you with my dear). But a giant dick? Really? I was not a dick. I was still wet behind the ears. I was just growing accustomed to the world around me. I was not aware of how awful the world was then. Now, if that man said that to me today, I would agree 100%. I am a dick. I am a heartless person that will take any situation, no matter what it is and twist it into something obscene. I laugh at everything. I take nothing seriously. Maybe it’s a coping mechanisms. I don’t know. I am not a doctor. I don’t poke and prod around and try to figure out why I try to make everything a joke. It’s just how I see the world. It’s one, big joke.

After the man paid me the compliment, I went on my merry way to clock out and head home to relax with a soda. It be a beer but I was underage at the time and I stick to the rules society handed us. I descended the stairs and the man was still lurking about, still searching out his next victim. A customer crossed his path. Again, he extended his arm but not for a shake. Instead, he slightly poked the man, giving his a firm thrust. The man, obviously shocked, stumbled backwards. He kept his balance. Like a momma bird, he shielded his young son behind him.

“You’re a [censored] Jew. I wanna kick your ass!”

Maybe I missed something. I saw no yarmulke (pronounced yamaka) on the man’s head. He wasn’t carrying around the Torah either. To continue with the Jewish stereotypes, his nose did not resemble a ski slope. How on Earth did the man come to the decision that the customer in front of him was a Jew? How ever he came to that idea, the Jew was not too happy with being called out. Hell if I were a Jew, I’d be pretty pissed too if someone pointed that out. Oy.

The Jew agreed to the fight and was ready to take the man outside. The young, Jewish boy begged his daddy not to fight. With those sad eyes looking up at him, he refrained from the parking lot fight and went back to shopping. He nudged by the man and made his way down aisle three – the kosher aisle. I sneak by the man, who was just standing there, looking at the Jew as he vanished further down aisle three. Without any warning, a lady I worked with that night grabbed me, cutting off the circulation to my upper body. She pointed at the crazy man, saying we need to go. She kept saying the man had a gun and was going to go postal on us all. We watched together as the man collected his thoughts and spotted the next target in his rampage.

He stood over a bunker of chicken. In this bunker of chicken, were vacuum-sealed boneless chicken breast. He picked up a package and examined it. Like a wild animal, he took a giant bite in the package. Saliva dripped from his mouth. A glimmering light, twinkled in eyes. It seemed satisfying to him, to taste the raw meat and the plastic that protected it. He grunts, and grrrs. Lifting the package in the air, he grabs it with both hands and holds in high in the air. He lowers it slowly, till it rests firmly on his bald head. Using his head as a pivot, and his arms like pulleys, he moves the package up and down. He moves it left and right, screaming loudly,

“I’m weird! I’m weird!”

Really? No shit, Sherlock. The story doesn’t end there. Oh no. It gets better. Much, much better. He flings the package back in the case. At this time, the Jewish man had told managers up front about the crazy man in aisle one. With managers running to put his evil shenanigans to a stop, he had vanished. He had escaped somewhere in the store. The lady and I look at each other. We feel safe. This was our time to get the hell out. I would have left but I needed groceries. I go the checkout to buy some crap. A customer in front of me is talking about the man. He spotted him lurching around the aisles, not really doing much. He said he was acting weird. I was shooed and coaxed into calling the police. I scurried back to my department and dialed, 9-1-1. The last time I dialed that number was by mistake. We were playing some sort of movie or something at home. I don’t know. Anyway, I thought the phone was unplugged. I thought it was okay to dial the number. Sure I could have pretended to dial it but I needed it to look real. After I dialed it, I hang up the phone and we continue doing it what we were doing. The phone rings. Sure enough, it was the police. After explaining about what I did, I get an earful and am told that 9-1-1 isn’t a toy.

Where was I? Oh, I dialed 9-1-1. The lady was a bitch to me. Instead of taking the time to thank me for my heroic efforts to put an end to this crazy night, she yells at me and tells me that they already have people on the way. You know, I bet it was the same operator. I bet she recognized my voice. That whore. Screw her. I rush back to the front of the store. I really don’t want to miss anything. I wanna see the cops come in, guns drawn. I wanna see a John Woo movie unfold before my eyes. Well, not a full John Woo movie. You can leave out the birds. I hate birds now.

The man is heading towards the doors. It looks like he is leaving. A manager steps in front of him and lets him know that he isn’t leaving on foot. He’ll be leaving in a squad car. While he deduction of the Jewish guy is still spotty to this day, he didn’t need much to guess that the manager in front of him is a black man. Like before with the Jew, he shakes his finger at the manager and jabs him with it.

“I own you! I own you, boy!

Poor Abe. I bet Mr. Lincoln was rolling in his grave when he heard that. Guess his whole, Emancipation Proclamation was all a waste. I wondered at that moment if that man had a confederate flag on the top of his car like the good ole, Duke Boys. After the word slave was tossed around more times than the actual number of slaves, the man took an opportunity to relax on the ground. He laid there, arms and legs stretched out. It had been a long day for him. He called me a giant dick with big ears, called out a Jew, ate raw chicken, and brought back slavery. With no time for a twix bar, he took to the floor and relaxed. But, oh no. He wasn’t relaxing. He was prepping for the final act in his show. An act that will make everything seem tame. With gibberish pouring from his mouth, he takes his right arm from the floor and with one, swift motion, he unzips his fly. There, he removes his member and spins it around like a helicopter. It just waving about, flapping around like a limp piece of meat. And after a few flaps, he put his member back inside his pants and stands up. He takes a bow and tips a non-existent hats to us. He exits stage left but is confronted by officers. It was out of my view and pretty much, everybody else but the scuffle and the screaming, echoed about the doors and into the store.

The story made the paper. It says that during the scuffle with police, the man reached for one of the officer’s gun before he was subdued with pepper spray.



More Eden

I posted a couple portions of a book I wrote many years back. I doubt it will ever be published. I am just proud that I actually wrote something that long. It’s a good story. Really, it is. To those that do not know what this story is about, I will tell you.

Walter is a family man. He is married to a beautiful woman. They have a young daughter. Walter is a workaholic. His wife, missing her husband, seeks a relationship with another man. The man she forms this forbidden affair with, is Walter’s brother. One day, Walter surprises his wife when he leaves work early. With a dozen roses in his hand, he is shocked to see his wife and brother wrapped around each other like a photo out of the Kama sutra. He unleashes hell and shoots them both dead. Filled with guilt, he leaves the room to weep. A noise startles Walter and the gun is fired a third time. Walter sees the limp body of his five year old daughter dead on the floor.

Walter flees the city to get away from the crime he committed. He drives as far as he could. He car comes to a halt and Walter walks toward a nearby town. The town, Eden is not like the city he came from. Everyone knows each other. Everyone is friendly. They all follow the law of the Bible. They open Walter with open arms. Each of them want to know about him. Walter keeps his secrets from the people of Eden. They also keep their secrets from him. Behind their smiles and their friendly faces, they all hold deep secrets that no one knows about.

Walter was brought to the town. He cannot leave. Some force is keeping him there. But Walter wasn’t the only new visitor to the town. A man named Ashland arrives too. Unlike Walter, Ashland thrives on their secrets. He knows all their secrets, their lies, the skeletons in their closets. It’s up to Walter and others to put an end to this stranger before Ashland and the other townspeople wipe the town off the map.

Another portion from the book.

“Hi mom.” He said with a sarcastic tone in his voice. He sat on the couch, his arms folded nicely on his lap. “You’re home early.”

Nancy walked towards Brian. She was furious. If it could happen, steam would be shooting out of her ears by now. Nancy clenched her fingers together, forming a tight fist. Brian noticed that dripping from her fists, was blood. Nancy had clenched them so tightly together, her fingernails were tearing in to her palms. But it didn’t seem to phase her at all. She continued walking towards him. “What the hell are you doing out of your room? How did you unlock that door?”

Brian laughed and ran passed her. “If you want to punish me, come and get me!” He laughed and ran in to her bedroom. He glared behind the door and nodded to Zach. “She’s on her way. Get ready.”

Nancy walked up the stairs and in to her room. Brian was on the other side of the bed. He just smiled and laughed at her. She didn’t know what was going on, and if she did, she wouldn’t have stepped in that room. “When I get my hands on you, I am going to beat…” Nancy was startled by the sound of the door slamming shut.

Nancy was blocked on each side. Standing just inches from her was Zach, a hammer in his hand and a smile on his face. He didn’t say anything to her at all. He just used all the energy he had and struck her in the knee. Nancy fell down and screamed in pain. Brian placed his hands on the bed and starting jumping up and down, he was filled with such joy. “How does that feel? How does it feel to lose all that power?”

Zach hit her again. He smacked the same knee again and then his third blow, he broke her other kneecap in three pieces. Nancy just laid on the floor. She was crying in pain and asking for help, but the boys just stood there, both laughing at her. Nancy raised her arm and reached for the door handle. Zach wasn’t paying attention, till Zach gave him the nod to stop her. Nancy had reached the door handle and had it in her grasp. Zach yelled “no”, and hit her hand with the hammer. Nancy screamed in pain again. “Finish it.” Brian said.

Zach hit her again on the side of the face. The damage to the face knocked her out. It also opened up a large gash on the side of her face. “She’s out!” Jacob and the girls left their room and joined up with Zach and Brian in their mothers room. Lying on the floor was Nancy. She was breathing, but not very heavily. Zach smiled and tossed the hammer on the bed.

The children just huddled around their mother, just looking at her. Ashland opened the door and joined the kids. “Is she dead yet?’ he asked them,

“No sir, not yet. But she will be soon.” Jacob, with the help of the others ansd Ashland lifted Nancy on to the bed. “Go get the tape Megan.”

Megan screamed with delight and ran out of the room. In just seconds, she returned with the tape. The plan was going perfectly. It was all downhill from here. Zach had to nail her to the bed. He wanted to do it badly, but was more of less afraid that she might wake up during it. Jacob took the tape from Megan and placed a large piece over Nancy’s mouth. The children switched off. Jacob drove in the first nail, just to let Zach know she wouldn’t wake up. He pressed the nail against her hand. Brian held up her hand and pressed it against the bed headboard. Jacob didn’t think twice about it. He did it as quick as he could. It took only one hit. The nail went right though her hand and into the wood of the bed. Blood spit from her hand and splashed across his face. Megan and Kellt screamed. They took comfort behind Ashland legs. They wanted just this, but the girls were getting more terrified as it went further and further. Jacob handed the hammer to Brian. With the help of Jacob, Brian drove his nail in to Nancy’s hand. Like before, the blood shot out from her hand and covered his face.

Ashland patted the girls on the head and smiled. “This is what you wanted, right?” He scooted them away from his legs and pushed them closer to the bed to see what was going on. The girls didn’t want to see, but they had to. They looked at their mother. She looked helpless. He face still bleeding, as well as her hands. “It’s about time children. I cannot be here any longer. But I will be back. This is your mission, not mine.” Ashland just walked out of the house and down the road. He left the children alone. So they waited. Nancy had been unconscious for fifteen minutes now. They just wished she would wake up soon. They wanted it done and over with.

Time passed and the children were growing tired. Jacob was startled by the sounds of Nancy’s moans.

Jacob removed the tape, just to let her speak. He planned on putting it back on once they were ready. He felt that she deserved it. She had the right to say what she wanted. It was either on till they went through with it, or until she got on their nerves. Jacob had a second piece of tape already for anything that might happen.

“What’s going on here?” she said. Nancy was still weak and confused. Nancy saw the children all gathered around her bed, all with blank stares at her. Nancy was cruel herself, but this drew the line for her. She didn’t see kids who broke commandments and kids who disobeyed their mother, but she saw only spawns of Satan.

Nancy cried in pain and wished for them to stop, but they didn’t. It wasn’t until Kelly brought in the man made weapon in to her ine of sight, that she saw her hands nailed to the backboard.

“You’ve been bad mommy. You don’t listen to God!” Kelly flipped the switched to the beater. The whizzing sound brought fear to Nancy. She was aware that her kids were going to kill her. Nancy began to beg to be free, promising that all will be better, that she would change and they could once again be the happy family that everyone thought they were.

“Liar! Thou shall not lie!” Jacob proved his mother wrong. “You broke a commandment mother. You know what the means?’ Jacob took the hammer in his hand and hit her right foot. “I break a bone!”

“Listen you little brats, when I get out of you, you’re all in for it.” Nancy wanted to hold her foot, and rub out the pain, but that mean she would have to rip her hand away from the nail and cause herself even more pain. Nancy knew better. She knew she wouldn’t be getting out of this anytime soon. She just thought maybe a little threat would scare them and they would give in, giving her the upper hand in this situation.

“You’ll what mom?” Jacob laughed. He knew who had that upper hand. He did. He planned on using it too. “That’s right mom, nothing.”

Nancy looked at her daughter. She was still holding the weapon in her hand. The sound just echoed in her head. Kelly walked up to her. “Know what this is for mommy?”

“Please baby, don’t do this. You don’t want to hurt your mommy. You love your mommy.” Nancy looked at her and started to cry. “Please baby, kids please don’t do this.”

Jacob rolled his eyes. “Forget it mother. You screwed up. We have to go and so do you.” Jacob tore the tape off the bed and covered her mouth. Nanvy screamed for help, but it was too muffled to even be heard by anyone. “Go ahead Kelly. It’s your turn.”

Kelly smiled and brought the makeshift weapon to Nancy forehead. Nancy closed her eyes and squeezed them tightly together. Kelly turned the beater on high and pressed it to her mother’s head. The corkscrew spun around and turn in to the flesh like it was cake batter. Blood coated all the walls as the beater spun around. Kelly just laughed. Earlier she didn’t want to see a drop of blood, but actually doing it, actually drilling a hole in to their mother, gave her a since of power. Kelly liked it. The corkscrew reach the bone and started to scrap at it. Nancy wasn’t moving. She had lost too much blood and laid on the lifeless. But the children didn’t care. Kelly broke through the bone and continued drilling. Small bones shavings rose to the surface and trickled down Nancy’s face. Kelly turned if off. The corkscrew couldn’t be seen anymore. Kelly yanked it from Nancy’s head, ripping a large hole in her forehead.

The children smiled and cheered. They felt a huge burden lift off of them and were free for the first time in a long time. Jacob hugged his brothers and sisters and wiped away a tear that was rolling down his face. “Okay, everyone get in the living room. I’m going to start the fire. Give it 5 minutes before we run out screaming. That should give his enough time to help destroy mom’s body.” Jacob opened the door and his brothers and sisters ran in to the living room. The all clapped and hugged each other again, congratulating each other on a job well done.

Jacob looked at his mom one last time. He started to breath heavy. He felt something come over him, something he wanted to do his whole life. Jacob jumped on the bed and was punching his mom over and over again. He didn’t care where he hit her, just as long as he made contact. Jacob grabbed the lighter fluid and opened it up. He sprayed it first on Nancy, covering her head to toe, not living a dry spot on her. He sprayed it on the walls, on the floor and covered her furniture with it. “Good bye mom.” Jacob stepped out of the room and lit a match. He didn’t toss it right away, he just held it, looking at the flame. And with no morals left in him, he tossed the match on top of Nancy’s cold body. Instantly, the room burst in to flames. Jacob met his brothers and sisters in the living room. They were all holding hands and jumping up and down. “We did it.”

They looked at each other. They did do it. They did what they wanted and she couldn’t stop them. The children waited in the living room, they saw from below the hallway filling up with smoke. The smell of human flesh burning was filling the house with a smell they wished wasn’t there. The smoke continued to fill the house. It crept down the stairs and started to fill the living room. The heat from the bedroom was too intense, it busted its way through the doors and made its way in to the hallway. The house was slowing becoming engulfed in flames. They didn’t care. They had nothing to lose at all. The whole house could turn to a pile of ash and they wouldn’t mind. Jacob saw the fire creep its way in to their bedroom. He was glad it did. He despised that room. He hated his mom for it and was glad she was in the room burning. He knew that she would be spending her life in Hell. Jacob got distracted when Kelly began to cough. “Okay we better go now. I am sure the house has caught enough attention now. People should be outside, all praying to god to save us all.” Brian and Zach ran to the door and made their way outside.

Two Faced.

There was already a link to this movie on my front page but I have decided to move it to a post. This movie was created a few years back. The idea for this movie has been around for much longer. I remember making up this movie. I have a recording on a digital recorder that my friends (Jennifer and Billie) and I discussed it one night while we drank and hung out at my old apartment. I never wrote the actual story to this thing. I have the notes for it still. To be honest, I do have maybe two pages wrote to it.

Continue reading