My New Pet.

I have not had a pet since I lived at my mom’s house. That’s well over 16 years ago. I had pets growing up. We had dogs growing up. I had a bird. I have had gerbils, guinea pigs, hamsters, and rats. We had a family cat but myself, I have never had a cat all my own. I don’t have a reason why I never had a pet growing up while I lived alone. I could have had a pet. I just never got on. One of my all roommates had a dog but I took no part in looking after it or acting like it was mine. I know when some friends from out of state were passing through my town, they came to visit me. They wanted to eat the dog. Thankfully, they didn’t eat the dog and if that had, it would have been hard to explain to my roommate why his dog is nothing but a pile of bloody bones and an empty dog collar. 

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