
The essential snack for all movie-goers. I was one of those people. I once over indulged myself with a large, buttery bag of popcorn.  I have no hate for popcorn.  Wait. Scratch that and rewind.

…over indulged myself with a large buttery bag of popcorn. I wouldn’t add butter. The butter on the popcorn already was enough. Besides, that “butter” was not butter. I liked adding salt to it. Tons of salt if I need to be correct. I can almost do an entire blog(site) on salt-yes. I like salt that much!

The reasons:

  • the smell

But one day, just like fries, I gave up on it. I said, “no more”.  I have yet to look back on it. I want to say it’s been 5 years at least, maybe more. As I am writing this, I can taste popcorn in my mouth. I can smell it right now. Oh, God. The smell.

I think that is what did me in. The smell was pleasant when I cared for popcorn but now that I really don’t eat it anymore, the smell is bothersome. Not to mention the smell of burnt popcorn. I bet the smell of human flesh burning is like roses compared to it. My sister (she seems to come up a lot in my post) isn’t the reason I hate popcorn but I’ll blame her for the time being. She would eat popcorn all the effin’ time. No joke. Read the potatoes post and see how much of a nut job she is when it comes to her gluttonous need for the spud. She’d make herself popcorn for any occasion. Needless to say, the house smelled like a carnival most of the time.

Whenever I go to the movies, I get myself a large soda and a box of sour patch kids or a thing of hot tamales. That’s my snack for the flick. With my soda, they always try to swindle me in to getting a popcorn.

“Get the combo. You get your drink and a large bucket of popcorn. Plus, if you finish either one, you can come back for a refill.”

Free stuff is nice. Bottomless cups are even better. But seriously. A bucket? Do they really have to call the popcorn I you just purchased a “bucket”? Maybe they can cut back on the buckets and just put horse troughs in the theatre. That might be a good idea. If you work in the movie theatre business and you’re reading this, write it down.

  • the aftertaste

But this isn’t a good idea. No matter how funny you might think it is, and yes, I thought it was a funny as hell-Do not tamper with popcorn tins. One year, our family received a tin of popcorn for Christmas. It had butter, caramel, and cheese flavored popcorn. I got a play-doh set. (I’m sure you know where this is going)Me being the funny kid I was, made up little popcorn-looking play-doh bites and tossed it in the mix. Priceless. Comedy at its’ best. Sure, they weren’t laugh but I was. And that is all that matters. If at least one person laughs, the joke was funny.