I don’t know what I would do without my Iphone. It’s my personal assistant. I use it constantly. Be it to play a game, send a tweet, or maybe correct someone who is obviously a bad speeler. I admit it. I am an app fiend. I have way too many. I have 200+ apps. Not all are on my phone. That would be ludicrous. I have thought of putting them all on it though. Afraid it’ll bog down my phone so I don’t. Currently, my phone itself has 152 apps. That isn’t including the already installed (stock, youtube, safari, maps, etc…) apps. A majority of them are me testing them. If it’s free, I’ll get it. You never know when I might need to know when my next period will occur. Out of all those apps, all the games, the utilities, the educational ones, here is a list of apps I use daily.
5. Echofon
It is my access to my twitter account. I constantly check it. My brother recommends Tweetdeck. Tweetdeck is nice. It will post a tweet or status report simultaneously to both facebook and twitter. I use it but not often. Echofon was the first twitter app I found and it is still the only one I prefer to use. Is it the best? No. But this isn’t a review on which apps are the best or even a review on the apps themselves. As for who I follow? To name a few – @wilw, @theellenshow, @wescraven, @actuallyNPH, and @collegehumor. You can follow me too. @kirkdunst
4. Facebook
Who doesn’t have a facebook? Sure the app lacks the capability to watch facebook videos, play mafia wars, farmville, wastingyourlifeawayville, or the countless other click a button games. I am not a facebook whore. I was once. But not too much now. Being a social networking loser, it’s important to have this on any phone. How often do I use this each day? I rather not say. But it can be very captivating. I am happy to see who found a lonely pink cow or cleaned my farm I don’t touch. Things like that are very important. If I didn’t use my facebook app daily, I’ll never know what friends character I am.
3. Notepad
I know, I know. This is a already out of the box app. E double f you. But it is an app I use everyday. Since I log everything I eat or drink, I need to quickly log it. What better way than using this? Sadly, or maybe more of something quite extraordinary, but I have every note still on my phone since day one of this year. Yeah, I know. I rule.
2. Checkbook
I never was very good at keeping track of my bank account. I’ll check it out every so often online, get an idea of my funds and go merrily on my way. My sister was the one who turned my on to this app. It’s a nice app too. A couple taps here and instantly, I got my bank account at my fingertips. I go to McD’s, order my food, and as I stand waiting, I entered in the amount I spent. Never will I have to experience the horror of seeing the word, declined light up at the register.
1. We Rule
The newest game I have became quite enthralled in. Since I posted my review on the game, it has been got a bug fix update and added a new building (barn) and more crops to harvest (broccoli, eggplant, asparagus…). I know I bashed the farmville crap and mafia wars mania above but this game is just so damn addicting. Some people I know move away to dabble in narcotics and booze, I for one use a friendly, not to mention, free game to get my fix. Check it out. It’s awesome.
Other apps I use but not daily,