Why I Hate America

I hate America. I do. I need out of this place. I need to start seeing places and traveling. I just don’t see it happening. I am not a worldly traveler. I wish I was. I want to see Europe. I want to see Canada and I would love to see the Far East. For the longest time I wanted to see Australia but not anymore. No country should  have spiders that kill people with a little bite. Snakes too. That place is scary. Too scary for me. So I am omitting that place from my list of places I want to see before I die, which if I keep living like I do, could be soon. I don’t want that. I have plans. I have goals. There is so much to know and so much to learn. I can’t die till I know who Ted’s mother is. Anything else is moot. That is all that matters. I just need to stay alive to see that event and to visit the countries and far off places I listed above.

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