The Million Dollar Question

There are many questions we have. Is there a God? Are ghosts real? What about UFOs? Why are we here? Did Epstein kill himself? (lol). While those are great questions and I’m sure those would be more interesting to talk about but my question is something that I honestly want an answer to. I am now going to turn to the internet and beg for you to help me solve this riddle. 

Imagine if you will, Haley Berry is at the grocery store. She is ready to check out. Her cart is full of groceries. She places the items on the counter and waits for the cashier to ring her up. She looks to her right. There is the candy rack. It’s full of sugary goodness. But she has to grab one. Which candy does she go for? Is Halley Berry a Skittles gal or an M&M’s gal? I am not speaking of peanut M&M’s or other types of Skittles. I am talking only about the original ones. The OG Skittles and the OG M&M’s? 
I am a Skittles guy but I believe she is an M&M gal. She likes the chocolate and that they don’t melt in her hand. I have sent her messages. Not an abundance of them to make me crazy but a few. I would guess 4. She won’t answer me. So if thousands of people get to asking her this question, we can find out which candy she goes for, Send her messages on twitter. Send her Facebook messages. If Parler ever gets back online, ask those nutcases to message her as well. I want an answer. I need an answer. Get Catwoman to answer us and once I find out, I can move on to less important questions, like is there a God? In the meantime, why don’t you toss me your thought on this question.

Halle Berry will pick...

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I like food. I like the smell of cinnamon.

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