Hello From .Calm

After some failed attempts at getting this site online, I finally did it. Please make sure you ignore the Idonteatthat.com URL and get the URL for pitweston.com imbedded in your brain. I will be working the next few days on getting this site up to par. I will make sure links work. I will make sure all the files and behind the scenes data work perfectly. I have some ideas in the work and will be getting them implemented as soon as I can. This will keep me busy for some time. My site has been down for a few days with all this switching over to a new server. I could have easily contacted my hosting company to do the work for me but it was nice to know that I can do it myself…even if I failed more than once. Keep watch and I will be posting the updates to the site and letting you know when I change up anything. Thanks for sticking around and I promise to post more than once a month. It’s a blog, not sex during marriage.


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I like food. I like the smell of cinnamon.

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