Noises Heard In The Sky

Have you gone outside lately and listened to your surroundings? You haven’t!? Do me a favor and go outside. Listen to the world around you. Do you hear anything? Maybe some sirens wailing in the distance. Maybe the humming of air conditioning units. Possibly something more loud. You’ll know it when you hear it. It’s loud. Very loud. Don’t pass it off as nothing or just kids shooting off fireworks. That’s what people want you to believe. Step out of your comfort zone and have an opened mind.

You should make note the next time you hear a loud boom go off around your area. What was just a rare occurrence is now becoming a global enigma. No one can quite put their finger on what is causing these noises. We can all speculate whatever we want. It might be the fireworks mentioned above or maybe these sounds are not of this world. Maybe they are government related controlled. I dug around the web for any information on it. Below are some “facts” I have collected. Below is what I believe is going on. We are not alone. We know it. The government knows it. None of this will matter come December 21, 2012. We’ll be gone. Earth will be no more.

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The Aliens Are Coming.

I am firm believer in the existence of life in outer space. Have I ever seen a UFO? No, I haven’t. But just cause I haven’t seen one, doesn’t mean I can’t believe. There are plenty of things in our world that cannot and will not ever be explained. A few years ago, a friend of mine called me moments after he claimed he saw something in the sky. Even with my belief in the alien beings, I was skeptical about what he said he saw. Was he telling the truth? Possibly. I never thought that they would come visit Kansas City. Honestly, even those living on Earth don’t make yearly visits to our Midwestern city. But at the time he called me, these beings were right in my backyard. They were just miles from where I live. Why are these aliens visiting us? Why are they buzzing around our great planet? What do we have to offer them? They are obviously smarter than us. We can’t colonize the moon and we can’t make a spacecraft that can explore the far reaches of space. They have the technology. If they ever wanted to, I bet they can wipe us out in minutes. Or, they can enslave the human race and make us be at the beck and call. I’d rather just have them blow up the earth. Being captured by space creatures doesn’t settle to well with me.

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