She’s looking to replace her son

The Good SonI come from a large family and we always question who our mom loves the most. We’ll give her awful and bizarre circumstances that put two of us at the hands of her. She’ll have to save one and let the other perish, sort of like the ending to The Good Son, which is the second greatest Culkin movie other. If you don’t know the scene I am talking about, watch the ending to the movie and see which son she saves.

That is a huge weight to put on the shoulders of your mother. If my mother had to choose, I would hope she wouldn’t let me go. I mean, I am a pretty amazing kid. I have a vast database of corny jokes which are amaizing. Who else will she get to work on the crossword puzzle? No one. That’s right. Without me, she’ll never solve 21 across. But if my mother ever gets to the point of not wanting me as a son anymore I have a fall back plan. I have another person who will take me in and claim me as her own. This woman will be my new mom if the mother I have now decides to drop me like I dropped smoking and moved on like I was nothing but a passing phase, like the Harlem Shake.

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Debbie Downers

Debbie Downer2I will admit that while I try to be a very positive person, there are times when I become a little negative. I am not always the happy, go-lucky person people seem to think I am. I have my days when I want to strangle the life out of each and every one of you. It’s nothing personal. I am just fed up with your depressing nature and the way you see life. I know life isn’t all sex and candy. I know life will be horrible and no matter how well we try, life will always be the red-headed cousin we try so eagarley to avoid. Nothing will protect us from the likes of the Debbie Downers. Debbie Downers have but one goal in life. They want to make sure we are sad. They want us to feel their pain. If they cannot feel joy then we, ourselves, shouldn’t feel joy, happiness, or anything that remotely feels like a warm embrace of love.

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Gay Marriage & Everything That Is Wrong With It

Everyone has their own opinion about gay marriage and whether or not it should be openly accepted and finally ruled as a legal and wedding ringsbinding marriage. There is no pleasing everyone and if I was to bet, there will never be an agreeable decision. It won’t matter which way the votes go, someone is going to be very upset over the ruling. I have my views about gay marriage and I know you have yours. You can climb the highest mountain and preach about same sex marriage. You can call it immoral or you can say it is perfectly fine and should be accepted and looked at no differently than when a man and a woman wed. Let me step up to my soap box and speak my mind. Lend me your ears. What is wrong with gay marriage? Let me explain to you about gay marriage and everything that is wrong with it.

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How To Make Money and Live Comfortably Forever

where there’s a willthere’s a way

I hardly give advice on here to my readers. I think with all the ranting and all the talking I do out of my a**, I should contribute to the community and offer some sound advice on being financially stable. You’ll can stay poor and ignore my advice or if you listen fully and do the steps correctly, you can sit comfortably on a mountain of money. You will be swimming in money like Scrooge and the pool will be endless. Doesn’t that sound awesome!? Want to know how to accomplish this? Let’s get to the advice and hope that you will take one of these two examples and sue the Hell out of a multi-million dollar company. They don’t need the money, you do.

Don’t second guess yourself about suing people. Don’t make yourself believe the lies that it is wrong and greedy. It’s not. We all deserve a break. If you think working a Monday through Friday job is boring and lackluster then I think the only logical thing to do is to sue a company. Everyone does it all the time and you just sit there and wonder to yourself, “Why didn’t I think of that?” Well you can think of that. You can be the person that others will wish to be. It is your time to shine. I am going to share with you two fantastic ideas that can and will rob those greedy corporations of the money that you deserve.

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Ruining It For The Rest Of Us

Do you remember when you were in gym class and it was dodgeball day? It was possibly the greatest day in class, aside from the use of the square sliding apparatuses. You knew the day was coming all week. You had the day circled on your Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles wall calendar. The date was circled in red with a bright marker. You wouldn’t care about anything else. No other news could compare to the excitement of playing dodgeball or sliding around on what is just short of being labeled as death on wheels. Maybe not death but I am sure many of kids have lost a few fingers while pushing themselves across the room and into each other. It was much more fun to ram each other than to actually race to the other end of the gym.

With each day that passes and each box on the calendar getting marked off, you can hardly contain yourself with exuberance and pure, unadulterated excitement. With the final day here and you’re on your way to the gym, you wonder about how many people you’ll tag out or worse, wonder if you’ll get tagged out seconds into the game. You’ll wonder if maybe you’ll be that kid who they see as an easy target and taking out the weak will make the game more challenging than just toying with you and making you feel that maybe, just maybe, you’re actually good and could hold your ground against the kids who have hit puberty years before you.

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