Open Letter to the Hate Mongers of Westboro Church

Westboro Shooter

This is a letter to the people of the Westboro Church. I hope they see it and I hope they realize that they are not God’s army. They are a hate group. They are horrible people and I wish them nothing but pain in the future.

Dear Westboro Church,

I am appalled at this so-called group of people who like to call themselves, Christians. Never once have I heard anything nice or positive about you people. Never once have I read anything positive or uplifting about how you bettered this world with lending a hand to those less fortunate. You are not Christians. You are not messengers of God. You are not a positive addition to this world and you are clearly not nice people. You and your homophobic followers are nothing but hateful, ignorant people. How can you travel the country and think that protesting funerals will make people see your view? It’s not helping your case. It’s not making people like you any more. In fact, with each funereal you picket and each time you open your mouth to speak, people band together and just wish that you will return to whatever hole you crawled out of. I shouldn’t say it but you are the worst kind of people alive. America would be a better place if you just went all Heaven’s Gate.

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