The Most Qualified Man Alive

I am well-educated in many fields. I can do it all and like Annie Oakley, I can do it better than you, you, and you. Will I be the best? No. I am not arrogant. I might talk a big game but I know I am not the great, powerful, and all-knowing. We’ll leave that to the Wizard of Oz. There will always be someone who is better at something than me and better than you are. That statement is not really true.  It gets me thinking about the other old saying,

“There is always someone worse off than you.”

What about if you are the last person? There has to be someone who is the last on the list. They must feel horrible. I would never want to be her. I’d say him but that would mean the most worse off person is a man and that my friend is laughable. If someone is going to be the worst off person in the world, it will be a woman. I am not sexist, ladies. I am just honest and that’s not because we are all created equal and it’s not because my mom raised me that way. It is because I am man and man is never wrong. We were wrong once when we gave you the power to vote. We are sorry about that and we are still beating ourselves up over that.

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