Brotherly Competition

It is time for another really lame joke. I think you’ll like this one.

A mother was happy to see her twin boys grow up. They were just little tykes without a care. They didn’t know much and weren’t able to speak. But she did what all mothers do. She nurtured them. She taught them how to talk, read, and write. She was their go to person for any question their tiny minds would come up with. They were always trying to out do each other. They always want to out do the other. It was a friendly, brotherly competition. Their mother wasn’t too happy with the idea of her sons always wanting to prove to the other who was the best but she let it slide. She found it cute really. They never fought about who won or cried when they lost. Usually, they would congratulate the winner or cheer up the loser.

But as they got a little older and a little more independent, they wanted to be the winner. They wanted that fake blue ribbon or that gold medal to wear around their neck. It was now an all for one and one for all thing between them. The mother, now growing tired of their antics gave them the, “last time” speech. After today, they were no longer to ever see who was the better one. To her, they were both equal and both winners in her eyes.

The boys took a seat on the floor and debated on what they should compete against each other with. The mother smiled and pointed to their shoes. “Why not lace up? You both just learned how. See who is faster.” It seemed trivial but it was still something they could compete over. They hurried to their shoes and plopped down on the floor. “Okay, mom! You judge. You tell us who wins!” The mom counted backwards from three and when she yelled, “GO!” they were off!

They looked at her with their wide, little eyes. She sighed and shrugged her shoulders. They finished but she couldn’t tell who won. Looks like they both tied for first.

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