Story Of My Birth

Written by guest blogger: Erin


This is the almost, kind of, somewhat true story of the day that I was born. Of course my mother will deny everything.  It was a lovely Sunday in April, long long ago.  It was fairly early in the morning. The sky was still dark and my parents were getting the other children ready for church. “Why do we have to go to 5 am mass?”  My mothers reply was that the good priest with the best homilies was saying the 5 am mass.  It was almost Brady Bunch like, the other kids dressed up in the church clothes standing on the steps leading to the upstairs. They rubbed their eyes and yawned, wishing they could just go back to bed. Little did they know that their wish would soon be granted.

My mother started to have contractions and yelled at my father to get the hospital bag and get the car started. Dad looked up at the other kids and said well, looks like no church today.  The other kids started cheering and ripped off the church clothes only to reveal the pajamas that were underneath.   My mother was livid, it was her favorite priest saying mass and this heathen of a child was going to make her miss church. (Wow so I was a heathen before I was even born, did not think that was possible) She was throwing a fit the whole way to Central  Dupage County Hospital. “I was supposed to help pass the collection basket, now I’ll be put at the end of the line, do you know how hard it was to get to the top of the list?” My father looked away and rolled his eyes. He then grabbed some change from his jacket and put it in the ashtray. He handed it to her, “Here pass this back and forth”. She was not amused. I was probably being a pain the butt and kicking her and wanting out.  After a short drive, they made it to the hospital. My dad dropped off my mom at the entrance. “Make sure you park where you can pull right out, I hate when we have to back out of spots.”

My mom waddled inside and started walking the hall, peering into a room she spotted a priest giving someone their last rites.  “Father! Father!, this kid is messing with what surely was going to be a great homily and I am missing it! I need you to come here right now and give me a sermon. I cannot possibly go through today without the word of God.” The priest was obviously very embarrassed.  He was a man of the cloth, so he begrudgingly gave her a short sermon. “God is good, god is great, we should do what he says so we don’t burn in hell, go in peace my child.” My mother thought it was pretty lackluster, luckily my father arrived to steer her in the direction of her room. He apologized profusely to the priest as he led her away.

Some reports say that they had to use restraints on my mother while lying in the hospital bed. Nurses still shudder at the sound of her name. They say she was trying to make it to the chapel for the morning service even though the doctor was telling her to push.  She wanted to partake in communion. Someone took a few crackers off a discarded plate in the hallway and tried to use that. She said it was sacrilege to make fun of a very important part of the mass.  At that point, I am sure it was the drugs talking and not my mother. The reports however are hazy and years of therapy have made it difficult to get a clear account of what happened that Sunday morning.  I was being close to being born and things a good catholic should never utter were being uttered, quite loudly.  The Cook County Hospital nurses could hear her. Then at 7:13 I arrived.  The yelling stopped, the cooing began. After weighing and measuring me, they turned to hand me to my mother, she was gone. High jacked a wheelchair and made it to an 8:00 service.   So there you have it, the story of my birth. Ask the siblings and they will confirm the story.


Annoyed? You bet I am.

annoyed kittyAfter several years of working with the public, it has come to mind that I have become bitter to a certain respect. I am a fairly happy go lucky person, but when one of the 100 gets broken, I get irked. Funny word, irked.  I do enjoy finding a word people do not use often, and then try to use it as many times as I can in one day. Sure it can get annoying, but if more people used it, then I wouldn’t have to.  Anyway back to the 100, which I never fully explained. The 100 is a list of 100 things that drive me up the wall.  The sad thing is that some of the things are so minor, but after so many years, they just have become a major issue. I’ll be at work, and if one of the 100 occurs I would say something to the fact that ok, number 66 on my list of things that annoy me. I assign numbers, but I cannot remember which number goes with which annoyance, except for number one.

Number one is easy. Stupid people, I simply cannot handle ignorance.  I am not a genius by any means, although those online tests say I am. However common sense should just be a given, however too many people on this planet seem to be lacking common sense.  For example, playing with fire is not a good thing, fire burns and if you decide playing with fire is a hobby, then that equals jail time.  I work in a business that is 24/7. We do not close for anything, pretty sure there can be an attack on the city and we would stay open, for those that need bottled water or a pack of gum. Every year I choose to work Thanksgiving, It is a pretty easy day and I get paid double.  Most of my calls go something like this “Can I help you?” “Are you all open today?” I have yet to find a place that has someone there just to answer the phone and say no we are closed. Think people, just take a minute and think about what you just asked.  We even had a person come up to us in the store and ask us if we were open. Why in the world, would we look open, only to just appear that way so we can let people know we are closed?  Some of these people have children. I am starting to think that the movie Idiocracy is not too far off. This is just a sample of the people I see day in and day out. I could go on and on, but for now that will be adequate.

I still need to find a proper numbering system for my annoyances. I am too picky, almost obsessive compulsive to the point where I would never be happy with the way the list was put together. The only exception is number one, stupid people, that is just a given.  In the coming weeks I shall discuss more of my annoyances, but for now just a couple will suffice.

Number ?,  is what I like to call those who feel a turn signal is an option not a right to the other drivers on the road. I overuse my turn signal. I feel the need to just use it all the time. I like to use it in parking lots; I like letting people know where I am going. However, there are different types of turn signal abusers. We first have the do not use at all types. Those are the types where you need to stay twenty cars back, just to make sure. I really hate those types. Is it too hard to just move your hand a few inches to say “Hey guess what, I am going to move over into this lane!” or what about “I feel the need to turn onto this street!” Those just don’t care. I remember a time when I got myself a ticket for expired tags. In line at the courthouse, there were a slew of folks all that were ticketed for not using their turn signals. They all felt that it was just so silly and stupid, that there were ticketed for such a ridiculous offense. Can’t be that ridiculous or silly or stupid, if a cop decided it was your lucky day and pulled you over. We also have the last minute users. I am not talking about the “Oh shoot! This is my exit.” Or “Frack! This is the street I need to turn down.” I am talking about the already in the other lane and turn it on at the last second types. Seriously folks, if you have already moved over, what is the point?  I really am not sure why, such a little thing like a turn signal annoys me so much. You have to think about those who follow too closely, if one of those aforementioned does not use a turn signal, then BAM! We have ourselves a nice little fender bender.  Common courtesy is all I ask. Just move the hand over and make use of what the automakers installed on your vehicle.  If you think about it, I could combine number 1 and this one and wonder if they will use the excuse of the car running out of blinker fluid. If that happens, just lock me up and throw away the key.

Well folks that is all the time we have today. Tune in next time for more annoyances. Will you be included in one of them?  Just use that gray matter that is up in your head and I am pretty sure you will be just fine. Till next time, remember fire bad, turn signals good.
